Your Special Student: a book for educators of children diagnosed with Asperger syndrome

Santomauro, Josie, and Carter, Margaret Anne (2009) Your Special Student: a book for educators of children diagnosed with Asperger syndrome. Jessics Kingsley, London, UK.

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'Your Special Student' is written for professionals and paraprofessionals aspiring to create class programs based upon inclusive teaching practices. It offers practical assistance, direction, and concrete strategies for professionals and paraprofessionals- that are challenged, to establish class programs inclusive of the diverse and often complex needs of individual students.

Professionals and paraprofessionals working in these communities are challenged to act as facilitators of learning. They are encouraged - to be flexible in attitude and approach, supporting all students to develop as independent, responsible, interested, active and engaged lifelong learners. They endeavor to structure teaching- and learning environments that foster a sense of belonging-, acceptance, respect, competence, achievement, success, and a genuine interest in learning. Professionals and paraprofessionals are continually challenged to work in collaborating, genuinely appreciate, nurture, embrace, respect, and celebrate student diversity. 'Your Special Student' provides down-to-earth, hands on strategies and frameworks for professionals- and paraprofessionals working in the field of education.

Research Statement

Research Background This book provides the reader with evidence informed practical strategies for supporting the inclusion of children diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome into school settings.
Research Contribution MOst of the content in this practical book is based on evidence from the research that has been communicated in professional development sessions targeting educators of students with students diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome. The book is the result of a demand from teachers in the field to have a practical resource to support the inclusion of these diverse and unique students.
Research Significance The book supports practical systems and strategies to guide teachers in creating classrooms inclusive of students diagnosed with Asperger Syndromw.
Item ID: 45605
Item Type: Book (Scholarly Work)
ISBN: 978-1-84310-660-9
Keywords: Asperger Syndrome; inclusion; diversity; educators; paraprofessionals
Date Deposited: 14 Nov 2016 06:58
FoR Codes: 13 EDUCATION > 1303 Specialist Studies in Education > 130312 Special Education and Disability @ 100%
SEO Codes: 93 EDUCATION AND TRAINING > 9301 Learner and Learning > 930103 Learner Development @ 35%
93 EDUCATION AND TRAINING > 9399 Other Education and Training > 939907 Special Needs Education @ 65%
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