Predictors for future activity limitation in female patients with chronic low back pain

Nordeman, Lena, Gunnarsson, Ronny, and Mannerkorpi, Kaisa (2016) Predictors for future activity limitation in female patients with chronic low back pain. In: Presented at the 9th Interdisciplinary World Congress on Low Back & Pelvic Girdle Pain. From: 9th Interdisciplinary World Congress on Low Back & Pelvic Girdle Pain: progress in evidence based diagnosis and treatment, 31 October - 3 November 2016, Singapore.

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Introduction: Non-specific chronic low back pain (CLBP) have various impact on body functions, activity and participation in daily life and it is a common cause for consulting primary care.The knowledge about various prognostic factors for the recovery for patients with CLBP is still limited.

Purpose/Aim: To investigate prognostic factors for future activity limitation in women with CLBP consulting primary care.

Materials and Methods: A prospective longitudinal cohort study. Female patients with CLBP consulting primary care were assessed at baseline and re-assessed after two years. Prognostic factors for self-reported activity limitation related to low back pain were analysed by multivariate regression.

Results: At the two years 95 % (n=123/130) were followed up. A walk test, self-reported clinical stress symptoms and activity limitation predicted activity limitation at the two -year follow up.

Conclusion(s): Physical performance, self-reported clinical stress and activity limitation at baseline was shown to be of prognostic value for future activity limitation in women with CLBP.

Item ID: 45370
Item Type: Conference Item (Abstract / Summary)
Keywords: low back pain, risk factors, primary health care
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Date Deposited: 05 Sep 2016 03:35
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