Sustainable Management Practices: Trends, Issues and Challenges

Buvaneswari, P.S., Shanthi, R., Desti, Kannaiah, and Ragavan, N. (2015) Sustainable Management Practices: Trends, Issues and Challenges. Glow Plus, India.

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Sustainability is the ability to endure and survive in an environment for a long time. In business parlance, sustainable management is incorporation of social, economic and environmental factors for business decisions. Incorporating these factors in decision making process of a business helps in identifying and avoiding future costs associated with unsustainable business practices, planning for changes in consumer expectations to capitalize on emerging markets and industries and practicing corporate social responsibility and business ethics. Sustainable Management practices in business prove to be more profitable as they tend to adapt and grow with the changing market, providing a competitive advantage over other firms. This also helps in gaining significance as socially responsible business by reducing the negative impact on society and increasing their positive influence. The focus on sustainable management has gained a new momentum since the market pressure from regulators and consumers holds organizations accountable for their actions. Failure on the part of business to adopt such practices can have a catastrophic impact on the viability of a business. In a global environment, it is increasingly difficult to succeed in any business without understanding the repercussions of business realities and developments. This book, "Sustainable Management Practices" provides an insight into recent trends, issues and challenges in business practices by focusing on Corporate Governance, Corporate Social Responsibility, Information Technology, E- tailing, Entrepreneurship, Total Quality Management, Employee Engagement and Organizational Performance is intended to help the readers in understanding the sustainable management practices of business.

Item ID: 44258
Item Type: Book (Edited)
ISBN: 978-81-92958-1-2-6
Date Deposited: 19 Oct 2017 23:59
FoR Codes: 15 COMMERCE, MANAGEMENT, TOURISM AND SERVICES > 1503 Business and Management > 150399 Business and Management not elsewhere classified @ 50%
15 COMMERCE, MANAGEMENT, TOURISM AND SERVICES > 1599 Other Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services > 159999 Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services not elsewhere classified @ 50%
SEO Codes: 90 COMMERCIAL SERVICES AND TOURISM > 9099 Other Commercial Services and Tourism > 909999 Commercial Services and Tourism not elsewhere classified @ 50%
90 COMMERCIAL SERVICES AND TOURISM > 9099 Other Commercial Services and Tourism > 909902 Recreational Services @ 50%
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