Advocating for malaria elimination - learning from the successes of other infectious disease elimination programmes

Whittaker, Maxine A., Dean, Angela J., and Chancellor, Arna (2014) Advocating for malaria elimination - learning from the successes of other infectious disease elimination programmes. Malaria Journal, 13. 221. pp. 1-8.

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Malaria elimination is back on the agenda, but it remains challenging for countries to make the transition from effective control to elimination. Many other infectious diseases have been targeted by globally-coordinated elimination advocacy campaigns, and advocacy has been considered an essential component of the success of other disease elimination programmes. What can the malaria community learn from these successes? A review of infectious disease elimination programmes to identify successful elements of advocacy for disease elimination was undertaken. Key elements are: (i) a global elimination plan, supported by international health bodies; (ii) thorough costings and tools to support the business case; (iii) an approach that is positioned within a development framework; (iv) core elimination advocacy messages; (v) provision of advocacy tools for partners (vi) extensive and effective community engagement; and (vii) strong partnerships. These features provide insights into 'what works' in global elimination advocacy. Advocacy is a powerful tool to support the long-term political and financial commitment necessary for malaria elimination. The global malaria community needs to work together, to ensure that the early steps towards the end goal of malaria elimination are taken.

Item ID: 43853
Item Type: Article (Research - C1)
ISSN: 1475-2875
Keywords: malaria, malaria elimination, disease eradication, health communication, public-private sector partnerships, advocacy, community engagement, global health planning international development
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© Whittaker et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. 2014

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Funders: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF)
Date Deposited: 21 Jul 2016 23:30
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