Load sharing and structural response of timber-framed house

Satheeskumar, N., Henderson, D.J., Ginger, J.D., and Wang, C.H. (2015) Load sharing and structural response of timber-framed house. In: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Performance–based and Life-cycle Structural Engineering. 140. pp. 810-819. From: PLSE 2015: Second International Conference on Performance-based and Lifecycle Structural Engineering, 9-11 December 2015, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.

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Contemporary houses in many parts of Australia are brick veneer structures with metal or tile clad roofs that are built by trained builders using skilled labourers working to engineering design specifications. However, windstorms can cause significant damage to houses hence; there is a need to study the load sharing and response of these structural systems to assess their vulnerability. A full-scale test was carried out on a representative brick veneer contemporary house to assess the loading effects on roof to wall connection and load sharing. Tests were carried out at each stage of construction: bare frame followed by the installation of roof battens and cladding, wall lining, ceiling etc. These construction stages were used to assess the contribution of the structural and non-structural (i.e. ceiling, ceiling cornice and wall lining) elements to the load sharing and response of the timberframed house structure to wind loading. The full-scale test, results show that the vertical load sharing of the timber-framed house through the roof to wall connection depends on the stiffness of the connection and the truss location (i.e. whether located at the end or middle). The contribution of the non-structural elements to the load sharing is about 15% to 20%. The outcome of this study can be used to assess the response (i.e. vulnerability) of these houses to windstorms.

Item ID: 43666
Item Type: Conference Item (Non-Refereed Research Paper)
ISBN: 978-1-74272-147-7
Keywords: timber-framed structure, full-scale test, load sharing, house construction
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Date Deposited: 18 Apr 2016 23:28
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