Relevance of geothermal sources and ocean circulation in the reduction of the West Antarctica sea ice sheet

Parker, A. (2015) Relevance of geothermal sources and ocean circulation in the reduction of the West Antarctica sea ice sheet. Physics Journal, 1 (2). pp. 128-136.

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A recent article by Schroeder et al. [1] suggests that geothermal heat may be the trigger of the reducing West Antarctica mostly marine ice sheet. I propose that the geothermal contribution is only a small part of a complex situation that also involves effects of ocean and air temperatures, glacial history, ice thickness, mass balance and sub-glacial elevations that unfortunately are not monitored as they should. Consideration of the simultaneous influences of all these factors are required to come to a meaningful conclusion about the West Antarctic (or the Arctic) ice sheet. A complex puzzle is not solved by a single piece, in this case a geothermal source, in the case of the IPCC [2] proxy data of surface air temperature.

Item ID: 42829
Item Type: Article (Commentary)
Keywords: geothermal sources; West Antarctica; Antarctic; sea ice; lower troposphere temperature
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© 2015 The Authors. Published by American Institute of Science. This Open Access article is under the CC BY-NC license.

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