The coupled GRACE/GIA evaluation of the Antarctic ice mass loss is unreliable

Parker, A. (2015) The coupled GRACE/GIA evaluation of the Antarctic ice mass loss is unreliable. Journal of Scientific Research and Reports, 7 (3). JSRR.2015.205. pp. 240-246.

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GRACE does not measure any ice sheet thickness but only gravity. Similarly to the computation of the global mean sea level (GMSL), the computation of the ice sheet thickness, follows a large number of assumptions. As a result, the actual inaccuracy of the Antarctic ice sheet thickness computation is much larger than any trend proposed. In other words, you can manufacture almost any result you want by using the noisy raw GRACE signal and selected corrections. It is however the further Glacial Isostatic Adjustment (GIA) correction that ultimately produces the reducing Antarctic ice sheet thickness, similarly to the rising Global Mean Sea Level (GMSL). This result is contradicted by other more reliable experimental results as the expanding sea ice extension and the cooling surface air temperature.

Item ID: 42810
Item Type: Article (Commentary)
ISSN: 2320-0227
Keywords: Antarctica; ice thickness; sea ice extension; temperature; modelling; measurements
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© 2015 Parker; This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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