ADHD: an Australian Aboriginal perspective

Loh, Pek Ru (2011) ADHD: an Australian Aboriginal perspective. In: Presentations from the 17th Biennial Australasian Human Development Association Conference. pp. 1-18. From: 17th Biennial Australasian Human Development Association Conference, 4-6 July 2011, Dunedin, New Zealand.

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Hyperactivity Deficit (ADHD) and their management of the ADHD symptoms within their community. The entireresearch process was overseen by an Aboriginal Reference Group. Participants were recruited from a metropolitanAboriginal community and they comprised of (1) Aboriginal community members; (2) Aboriginal mental healthand education professionals; and (3) Aboriginal parents of children with ADHD. All participants were parents orgrandparents. An audio-tape recorded semi-structured interview was conducted either with the individual participantor in a group of no more than 4 participants. Interview data were analysed via Nvivo 8. Preliminary results suggest thatmost Aboriginal parents accepted the biomedical model of ADHD and viewed a high level of hyperactivity as impairingon the child’s functioning and having an adverse impact on the family. Moreover, most Aboriginal parents viewed thehyperactivity behaviour as problem behaviour but not the inattentive behaviour. Most parents attributed the causalitymainly to dietary and lifestyle changes, with some others attributing causality to psychological and learning difficulties.Aboriginal parents were also more tolerant and accepting of the hyperactive behaviour seen in children and wouldonly seek medical treatment for the child as a last option. Most participants believe that a more culturally appropriateapproach, such as allowing an Aboriginal child with ADHD to have contact with the bush, is the more appropriate wayof managing ADHD.

Item ID: 38133
Item Type: Conference Item (Presentation)
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Date Deposited: 21 Jul 2016 00:08
FoR Codes: 17 PSYCHOLOGY AND COGNITIVE SCIENCES > 1701 Psychology > 170106 Health, Clinical and Counselling Psychology @ 50%
17 PSYCHOLOGY AND COGNITIVE SCIENCES > 1701 Psychology > 170199 Psychology not elsewhere classified @ 50%
SEO Codes: 92 HEALTH > 9203 Indigenous Health > 920303 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health - Health System Performance (incl. Effectiveness of Interventions) @ 100%
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