Three Observations and a Dialogue: round and about SF

Kelso, Sylvia (2009) Three Observations and a Dialogue: round and about SF. Conversation Pieces, 24 . Aqueduct press, Seattle, WA, USA.

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After WisCon 20, Sylvia Kelso engaged Lois McMaster Bujold in a rich, snappy correspendence about Bujold's Vorkosigan novels. "You ... remark that '[my] post-modern despair is not [your] emergency' over the failure of feminism to transform SF," she wrote to Bujold. "My postmodern despair OUGHT to be your emergency, buen'amiga, because one of the reasons you are being ignored is that ... you don't fit the male canon either in the community or the critical industry; so unless you catch their eyes with a sand-blaster like The Left Hand of Darkness, the male academics are also gonna find you invisible ... "

That correspondence became "Letterspace: In the Chinks Between Published Fiction and Published Criticism," which is published here. Also included are three critical essays discussing the intricacies of being an Australian feminist scholar writing about science fiction, colonialism in science fiction by women, and Bujold's Vorkosigan novels.

Item ID: 36929
Item Type: Book (Research - A1)
ISBN: 978-1-933500-28-7
Keywords: feminism; science fiction; dialogue; australian author; north queensland author
Date Deposited: 23 Jan 2015 06:27
FoR Codes: 19 STUDIES IN CREATIVE ARTS AND WRITING > 1999 Other Studies in Creative Arts and Writing > 199999 Studies in Creative Arts and Writing not elsewhere classified @ 100%
SEO Codes: 95 CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING > 9502 Communication > 950203 Languages and Literature @ 100%
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