Beyond just fun: revitalising a game museum for imparting knowledge

Gamage, Helan R., Kulkarni, Pratik, Puranik, Dinesh, Li, Mingqian, and Xu, Qiang (2014) Beyond just fun: revitalising a game museum for imparting knowledge. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Consortium on Accounting. From: ICEE 2014 and 5ICON: International Conference on Emerging Economies and the 5th UB International Consortium on Accounting, 23-26 November 2014, Bali, Indonesia.

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Museums across the world are focusing on imparting learning experience for visitors by adding value to their exhibits. In particular, game museums emphasize on increasing interaction to disseminate effective learning by targeting specific visitor communities. This paper focuses its study on strategically developing game museums in South-East Asian region. One of the private higher education institutes in Singapore has started first-of-its-kind game museum in the region. The paper identifies issues of the Game Museum of this institution and provides recommendations based on empirical analysis and theoretical research based on the Theory of Learning, Theory of Knowledge, and the Interactive Experience Model for Museums. The analysis involves a combination of quantitative and qualitative research. The quantitative analysis comprised of an online questionnaire involving 130 participants. The qualitative analysis constituted semi-structured interview with the founder of the museum and in-person interviews/telephone surveys with 20 participants divided into two distinct categories: students and professionals.

We uncovered significant issues of the museum which include lack of awareness about the museum, the inexistent association with outside communities and a dearth of learning opportunities. The results ascertain that the most relevant improvements required for the museum include: a) Realigning museum operations for establishing a connection between the museum and its stakeholders, b) Overcoming the challenge of limited resources in the form of space, manpower, funds, etc., and c) Applying Information Technology (IT) tools to facilitate effective communication with its visitors. Additionally, the report includes a recommendation plan to address few key issues which resist the museum from attaining its core vision of imparting effective, interactive and enjoyable learning experience.

Item ID: 36772
Item Type: Conference Item (Research - E1)
Keywords: gamemmuseum, games and effective learning, visitor-centered approach, information technology tools
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Date Deposited: 16 Apr 2015 00:18
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