Improving online learning through the use of design thinking

Anderson, Neil, Timms, Carolyn, and Hajhashemi, Karim (2014) Improving online learning through the use of design thinking. Distance Education in China (Zhongguo Yuancheng Jiaoyu), 9. pp. 5-12.

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The paper reports on a component of a larger on- going national Australian study funded by the Australian Office for Learning and Teaching, which is currently examining the use of design thinking strategies and steps in Australian universities across multiple discipline areas and in various modes, including online and face-to-face subjects. One illustrative case study is presented that outlines how design thinking was used in an online subject, and examines the perceptions of the university staff in relation to design thinking. The academic staff used design thinking strategies when planning the course and the students’main assessment piece involved the use of design thinking to create an innovative, web-based learning activity for their school-based students. The key findings were that university students could successfully use design thinking strategies to improve their design of online learning activities for schoolbased students and that university instructors could successfully use design thinking to improve online university subject design. Instructors had varying, but compatible perceptions regarding the concept of design thinking and its usefulness.

Item ID: 36407
Item Type: Article (Research - C1)
ISSN: 1009-458X
Keywords: design thinking; online learning; e-learning; higher education; distance education; ICT
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Funders: Australian Government Office for Learning and Teaching
Date Deposited: 16 Dec 2014 23:11
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