Attractions megatrends

Benckendorff, Pierre (2006) Attractions megatrends. In: Buhalis, Dimitrios, and Costa, Carlos, (eds.) Tourism Business Frontiers: consumers, products and industry. Elsevier, Oxford, UK, pp. 200-210.

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[Extract] Tourist attractions are frequently described as the key components of a destination's tourism industry. While they have received increasing attention from researchers, attractions continue to be poorly understood, with research lacking conceptual sophistication and depth (Richards, 2002). Tourist attractions serve two key functions in the tourism system: they stimulate interest in travel to a destination, and they provide visitor satisfaction (Gunn, 1994). Yet the role of tourist attractions in the post-modern world is changing. Consumer demands and competitive innovations are driving this change, which is resulting in a more multifaceted, fragmented attraction sector. Tourist attractions are proliferating in terms of form, location, scale and style. The following discussion explores our current understanding of tourist attractions and also a series of trends that will influence attractions over the next twenty years.

Item ID: 3608
Item Type: Book Chapter (Research - B1)
ISBN: 978-0-7506-6377-9
Keywords: megatrends; tourist attractions
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