High definition video camera HDC-HS 100P/PC and HD writer 2.6E High Definition Image Management/Easy Editing software

Mihas, Elena, and Loomis, Jeffrey J. (2010) High definition video camera HDC-HS 100P/PC and HD writer 2.6E High Definition Image Management/Easy Editing software. Language Documentation and Conservation, 4. pp. 66-74.

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Currently, video is a growing component in corpus creation in language documentation, as it has become more accessible in terms of cost, storage and delivery (Ashmore 2008:77). Arguably, video recordings serve as an excellent community resource in language documentation and revitalization programs, and provide researchers with multi-dimensional, situational records of language use in communities. Video has even been promoted as "the ideal recording device" for documenting languages (Himmelmann 2002:12). However, rapidly developing video technology presents a challenge for many language documenters in terms of selecting recording equipment and software. This paper discusses the features and functions of the high-definition video camera HDC-HS 100P/PC and the accompanying HD Writer 2.6E High Definition Image Management/Easy Editing software (HD Writer). Drawing on fieldwork in the summer of 2009 in Peru, the authors evaluate the strengths and drawbacks of the equipment and software under consideration and describe how to make a DVD using HD Writer for the purpose of language documentation.

Item ID: 35943
Item Type: Article (Commentary)
ISSN: 1934-5275
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© Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives License

Date Deposited: 05 Nov 2014 00:51
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