Paying the tax man

Galloway, Kathrine (2013) Paying the tax man. Curl: Property law, women and law, contemporary legal issues, 29 March 2013.

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[Extract] Students of taxation law often see little connection between tax and other practice areas. In reality, tax tends to raise a variety of interesting issues in almost every other field of law. This post is about one such example. Those who have bought and sold real property would be aware that at 'settlement' the buyer pays the purchase price and in exchange, they receive the clear title to the land. Clear title means that any mortgage over the property is released. To release the mortgage, the seller's mortgagee will need to be paid out. Usually, all this happens in one place at the same time. While it looks like a single seamless transaction, in fact it involves two discrete transactions: that between the outgoing mortgagee and the seller; and that between the seller and the buyer.

Item ID: 32477
Item Type: Article (Commentary)
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Curl: Property law, women and law, contemporary legal issues is the blog of Kate Galloway and is available at (3 April 2014)

Date Deposited: 03 Apr 2014 00:45
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