Meat quality of grain finished entire male Bos indicus cattle

Fitzpatrick, L.A., Parker, A.J., and Zerby, H.N. (2013) Meat quality of grain finished entire male Bos indicus cattle. In: Proceedings of the Northern Beef Research Update Conference. pp. 35-42. From: Northern Beef Research Update Conference , 12-15 August 2013, Cairns, QLD, Australia.

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Although the utilisation of young, entire male cattle for premium beef production is common in many parts of the world, it is not widely practiced in Australia. This study examined the carcass characteristics and eating quality of meat from entire 80S indicus males sourced from northern breeding herds and grain finished. Entire male calves were weighed and allocated to one of four (4) treatment groups: 1) Early-castrate (n=140); 2) Late-castrate (n=136); 3) Short-scrotum (n=121); 4) Entire (n=129). At =200 kg liveweight, all calves were weaned and those in Group 2 were castrated. The weaners were grown out on grass pasture to =330 kg liveweight, at which time they were sent to a feedlot and grain fed for 75 days, to =420 kg liveweight, prior to slaughter at 25 to 28 months of age. Data collected included carcass (weight, grade, gross value, butt shape, dentition, P8 fat depth, bruise score), MSA grading and meat quality data. Three muscles, eye round (M. semitendinosus), rump (M. gluteus medius) and striploin (M. longissimus dorsi lumborum) from thirty animals in each treatment group were used to generate consumer taste panel sensory test MQ4 scores. Carcasses from non-castrated animals that met the target AusMeat specification for "male" had a =$52 higher gross value than did those from castrated animals. Although meat from castrated animals had higher MQ4 scores than did meat from non-castrated animals, there were no differences between the boning groups for any of the sensory test outcomes, and, of the three muscles that were sensory tested, only striploins from early-castrated animals were rated as being of higher eating quality than striploins from late-castrate, short-scrotum or entire animals. Sensory test of meat quality as measured by MQ4 did not differ between carcasses of non-castrated animals that were graded as either "steer" or "bull" (43.862 ± 0.990 vs 45.078 ± 1.807, respectively; mean ± SEM), indicating that taste panels did not detect differences in the eating quality of the three muscles from these animals. This suggests that grading of carcasses of young animals on secondary sex characteristics may not accurately reflect the eating quality of meat from those carcasses. There were also significant disparities in the allocation of MSA star grades based on either MSA grading outcomes or taste panel sensory test results. Production of young entire 80S indicus males offers the potential for significant returns for northern beef producers with little impact to meat quality. However, there is a need for further data to be generated to allow the MSA grading model to be further refined for 80S indicus cattle.

Item ID: 28839
Item Type: Conference Item (Non-Refereed Research Paper)
Keywords: Cattle, Bos indicus, Meat Quality,
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Funders: Meat and Livestock Australia
Date Deposited: 25 Feb 2014 02:21
FoR Codes: 07 AGRICULTURAL AND VETERINARY SCIENCES > 0702 Animal Production > 070202 Animal Growth and Development @ 70%
07 AGRICULTURAL AND VETERINARY SCIENCES > 0702 Animal Production > 070203 Animal Management @ 30%
SEO Codes: 83 ANIMAL PRODUCTION AND ANIMAL PRIMARY PRODUCTS > 8303 Livestock Raising > 830301 Beef Cattle @ 100%
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