Unpacking the prospective code available under differential outcomes training

Mok, Leh Woon (2010) Unpacking the prospective code available under differential outcomes training. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, Supplement. pp. 83-84.

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[Extract] This study examined a form of prospection that involved minimal self-projection. The conditional discrimination choice task was used, which modeled real-life delayed choices learned and made conditionally based on the presenting discriminative/cue situation. Each correct cue-choice occurrence was followed by an outcome stimulus. Under the "differential outcomes" (DO) training procedure, outcome stimuli were unique to each correct cue-choice occurrence ("cue-unique"). The DO procedure produces consistently more accurate and faster learning, as compared to following all correctchoices with a "common outcome" (CO), or random, "non-differential outcomes" (NDO). Healthy adults performed discrimination tasks under the DO, CO and NDO procedures, and related comparison tasks, while undergoing functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Differential outcomes were sensory-perceptual events (visual vs. auditory). Sensory specific cortices and related brain regions prospectively coded the stimulus content of the respectively expected cue-unique outcomes (Mok et al., 2009). These cue-unique outcome expectations "enriched" the prospective code available to bridge the memory delay. Previous results indicated that, facilitated by the posterior parietal cortex, this enrichment promoted an earlier transition from retrospection (of cue information) to prospection (of events expected after the delay, e.g., correct choice and/or anticipated outcome). Here, the prospective code available under DO training was further unpacked. Choice stimuli were visual objects. Conjunction analyses across tasks implicated prospective coding also for: the expected correct choice in precuneus (possibly a response intention), and visual-specific inferior, lateral and medial frontal, and lingual gyri, and cerebellum; and a general anticipatory response in anterior insula, likely for an available (sensory-perceptual) outcome goal.

Item ID: 24998
Item Type: Article (Abstract)
ISSN: 1096-8857
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17th Annual Cognitive Neuroscience Society Meeting, Montreal, Canada

Date Deposited: 26 Feb 2013 22:22
FoR Codes: 17 PSYCHOLOGY AND COGNITIVE SCIENCES > 1702 Cognitive Science > 170205 Neurocognitive Patterns and Neural Networks @ 60%
17 PSYCHOLOGY AND COGNITIVE SCIENCES > 1701 Psychology > 170101 Biological Psychology (Neuropsychology, Psychopharmacology, Physiological Psychology) @ 40%
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  • Unpacking the prospective code available under differential outcomes training. (deposited 26 Feb 2013 22:22) [Currently Displayed]

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