Spirits of the Forest, the Wind, and New Wealth: defining some of the possibilities, and limits, of Kamalu possession

Wood, Michael (2013) Spirits of the Forest, the Wind, and New Wealth: defining some of the possibilities, and limits, of Kamalu possession. In: Aikhenvald, Alexandra Y, and Dixon, R. M. W., (eds.) Possession and Ownership: a cross-linguistic typology. Explorations in Linguistic Typology . Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, pp. 261-273.

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[Exert] In discussions at our workshop we at times struggled to come up with a definition of possession that would cover all our concerns. Some participants suggested that possession in its ur-form involved a 'relationship' or 'association' between a person and another entity. In this chapter I highlight some recent contributions from within anthropology to property talk that qualify this point. Following Robbins (2006) and Stasch (2009) I argue that the relational view of possession can rest on an 'over-social' model of property and offer, as an anti-social supplement, an emphasis on possession and ownership as exclusion, as exemplifying control by others.

Item ID: 24372
Item Type: Book Chapter (Research - B1)
ISBN: 978-0-19-966022-3
Date Deposited: 07 Jan 2013 00:25
FoR Codes: 16 STUDIES IN HUMAN SOCIETY > 1601 Anthropology > 160104 Social and Cultural Anthropology @ 50%
16 STUDIES IN HUMAN SOCIETY > 1601 Anthropology > 160103 Linguistic Anthropology @ 50%
SEO Codes: 95 CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING > 9599 Other Cultural Understanding > 959999 Cultural Understanding not elsewhere classified @ 100%
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