Buying a book: how hard can it be?

Galloway, Kathrine (2012) Buying a book: how hard can it be? Curl: Property Law, Women and Law, Contemporary Legal Issues, 1 December 2012. pp. 1-3.

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[Extract] The news this week that ebooks purchased from Barnes & Noble will self-destruct upon the expiry of the purchaser’s credit card, again raises the question of what exactly is an e-thing, and what are we buying. I’ve written before about the nature of virtual goods at law, and whether they constitute property or not. The issue here is related.

Item ID: 24225
Item Type: Article (Commentary)
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Curl: Property law, women and law, contemporary legal issues is the blog of Kathrine Galloway and is available at (12 December 2012)

Date Deposited: 12 Dec 2012 05:28
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