Multi-level website benchmarking: typological collation of recent approaches

Cassidy, Leonie, and Hamilton, John (2012) Multi-level website benchmarking: typological collation of recent approaches. In: 26th Annual Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference: managing for volatility and instability. ANZAM-2012-227.R1. pp. 1-19. From: 26th Annual Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference: managing for volatility and instability , 5-7 December 2012, Perth, WA, Australia.

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Website benchmarking approaches can be classified by type and collated as a framework. A combined customer website perspective (satisfaction, loyalty, design, quality) and business website perspective(usability, effectiveness, strategy, performance) delivers a multi-level website benchmarking approach. This offers a broad-scale analysis pathway capable of delivering universal, detailed, at-level website benchmarking. A weighted sum-score approach builds an overall website benchmark score, enabling website competitor comparisons across multiple levels. This approach offers a detailed guide to business managers, web designers and web analytics interpreters seeking to implement competitive website changes.

Item ID: 24202
Item Type: Conference Item (Research - E1)
ISBN: 978-0-9874158-0-6
Keywords: improvement, technology, innovation, integration, e-business, service industries, website benchmarking
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Date Deposited: 13 Mar 2013 01:27
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