Exploring the benefits of international practice-based education experiences in social work and human services education

Harris, N., Miles, D., Chang, N., Jones, P., Francis, A., and Zuchowski, I. (2012) Exploring the benefits of international practice-based education experiences in social work and human services education. In: ASSWA 2012 Conference Programme and Abstracts. p. 19. From: Social Work: Towards Inclusion, Social Justice and Human Rights (ASSWA 2012 International Conference), 14-17 October 2012, White River, Mpumalanga, South Africa.

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This paper will initially describe an innovative, practice-based education (PBE) model that exemplifies the benefits of international, cross-disciplinary collaboration and the creative use of established relationships with Universities outside of the country of origin, in this case Australia. Specifically, the project aimed to further develop an existing relationship with a University in Thailand (NRRU) in a reciprocal manner. Participation in international experiences was intended to enhance Thai and Australian students' awareness of, and facilitate direct participation in, programs focused on human rights, social capital development and sustainability. This paper also reports on research that aimed to assess, from the perspective of Australian Social Work and Human Services students, the experience of participating in community development programs in Thailand. Specifically, the research focused on participating students' reflections on their cross-cultural experiences and their development of cultural competence.

This project demonstrated that drawing on the diverse expertise, experience and contacts of a cross-disciplinary, international academic tea can deliver innovative, internationally based, PBE experiences that substantially enrich and diversify the learning of social work and human services students.

Item ID: 23755
Item Type: Conference Item (Abstract / Summary)
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ASSWA stands for 'Association of Schools of Social Work in Africa'

Date Deposited: 01 Nov 2012 05:53
FoR Codes: 16 STUDIES IN HUMAN SOCIETY > 1607 Social Work > 160799 Social Work not elsewhere classified @ 100%
SEO Codes: 93 EDUCATION AND TRAINING > 9303 Curriculum > 930399 Curriculum not elsewhere classified @ 100%
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