Is it possible to steal virtual goods?

Galloway, Kate (2012) Is it possible to steal virtual goods? Curl: Property law, women and law, contemporary legal issues, 11 April 2012.

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[Extract] According to media reports, a court in the Netherlands has recently upheld the conviction of a boy who stole another boy's 'virtual goods'. These are items used in an online computer game, that have no tangible form. This raises the question of whether or not 'virtual goods' are property. In the Australian context, I am inclined to think that they are not. I think that this highlights the limitations of our system of classification of property.

Item ID: 23215
Item Type: Article (Other)
Keywords: gaming, intellectual property, online, property, virtual goods
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Curl: Property law, women and law, contemporary legal issues is the blog of Kathrine Galloway and is available at (4 Sept 2012)

Date Deposited: 04 Sep 2012 06:06
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