Spread of invasive species

Brennan, Claire (2011) Spread of invasive species. In: Morrison, Dane A., Mikaberidze, Alexander, Hagler, D. Harland, Diamond, Jeffrey M., and Vallance, Monique, (eds.) World History Encyclopedia, Era 6: The First Global Age, 1450-1770. World History Encyclopedia, 11-13 . ABC-CLIO, Santa Barbara, CA, pp. 50-52.

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[Extract] Invasive species are exotic species that cause damage of some type in their new locations. Thus, they are species that have overcome some geographic barrier (such as a mountain range, a desert, or an ocean) to get to a new place and have managed to survive there well enough to reproduce and spread beyond human control. To be invasive rather than just exotic, species must also cause damage of some kind, even if that is no more than damage to an ecosystem by replacing a native species and causing its decline. The term 'invasive species' cannot include native species even if changed circumstances have made them problematic. Between 1450 and 1770 a great many species migrated as a result of humans traveling to new places, but not all such exotic species are considered invasive; only those that damage the health of humans, of other animals, of plants, or of their new environments are considered to be invasive.

Item ID: 19536
Item Type: Book Chapter (Reference)
ISBN: 978-1-85109-942-9
Date Deposited: 05 Mar 2012 02:35
FoR Codes: 21 HISTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGY > 2103 Historical Studies > 210399 Historical Studies not elsewhere classified @ 100%
SEO Codes: 95 CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING > 9505 Understanding Past Societies > 950599 Understanding Past Societies not elsewhere classified @ 100%
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