Control of head lice in developed market economies

Heukelbach, Jörg, and Speare, Rick (2010) Control of head lice in developed market economies. In: Heukelbach, Jörg, (ed.) Management and Control of Head Lice Infestations. Uni-Med Verlag AG, Bremen, Germany, pp. 116-120.

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[Extract] In developed market economies pediculosis causes angst which is far out of proportion to its clinical significance. Control has used a biomedical approach, based on the biology of head lice, dispelling myths with evidence and unifying recommendations. Topical insecticides have been the major intervention until the last decade when use of hair conditioner and physical removal of lice using fine tooth combs has been promoted. However, the anxiety provoked by head lice in developed market economies has not been addressed in a systematic way at the population level. Since the socio-emotional area is arguably the major impact of pediculosis in developed market economies, failure to deal with this aspect is a major deficiency in control strategies. The most prominent differences between head lice control in developing countries and developed market economies are that in the former emotional reactions to head lice are far less important.

Item ID: 16726
Item Type: Book Chapter (Teaching Material)
ISBN: 978-3-8374-1203-1
Keywords: head lice, infestations, management, control
Additional Information:

Chapter 9: Prevention and Control

Date Deposited: 11 May 2011 22:54
FoR Codes: 11 MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES > 1117 Public Health and Health Services > 111799 Public Health and Health Services not elsewhere classified @ 100%
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