The context of trade union development in Papua New Guinea

Leggett, Chris J. (1976) The context of trade union development in Papua New Guinea. International Labour Review, 114 (2). pp. 197-213.

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[Extract] Papua New Guinea achieved independence from Australia on 16 September 1975 and was proclaimed the 142nd Member of the United Nations less than a month later. It became a Member of the ILO, which was already active in the country through the provision of workers' education, on 1 May 1976. Meanwhile the Papua New Guinea Trades Union Congress (PNGTUC) had applied for and was granted affiliation to the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU). This would therefore seem an appropriate time to review the prospects for trade unionism in one of the latest nations to appear on the world scene. More specifically. The purpose of this article is to examine the context of trade union development in the country and to assess the implications of historical and current developments for the future role of the trade unions in the nation's system of industrial relations. Parallels will be drawn with the experience of other developing countries, notably in Africa 2, but in general the emphasis will be on features unique to Papua New Guinea. First, however, it will be helpful to provide some historical background.

Item ID: 16159
Item Type: Article (Research - C1)
ISSN: 0020-7780
Keywords: trade unions, Papua New Guinea, industrial relations
Additional Information:

Available in French: Leggett, C. J. (1976) Le contexte du développement syndical en Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée. Revue Internationale du Travail, 114 (2): 217-235.

[Abstract] Ce qui peut étonner, en Papouasie-Novelle-Guinee, ce N'est pas tant que le syndicasisme soit encore reltivement faible, mais bien plutôt de découvrir qu’il a réussi à s’implanter dans une société qui, aujourd’hui encore, est trѐs attaché à ses traditions. L’auteur examine les facteurs historiques, sociaux, ѐconomiques, lѐgislatifs et politiques qui influent sur l’origine, le dévelppement et les perspectives des syndicats, en les classant selon que, d’une part, leur effet est positif ou negative et que, d’autre part, ils sont communs à divers pay en voie de développement, ou propres à cette nouvelle nation indépendante.

Available in Spanish: Leggett, C. J. (1976) Contexto del desarrollo sindical en Papua Nueva Guinea. Revista Internacional del Trabajo, 94 (2): 215-232.

[Abstract] Lo que sorprende en Papua Nueva Guinea no es tanto que el sindicalisimo sea aún relativamente débil, sino más bien que haya logrado inolantarse en una sociedad que sigue estando, hoy dis, muy aferrada a sus tradiciones. El autor examina los fatores históricos, sociales, económicos, legislativos y politicos que influyeron em el origen, el desarollo y las perspectivas de los sindicatos, clasificándolos segúin su efecto positivo o negativo y segun dsean comunes a varios paises en desarollo o particulares de esta nueva nacion independiente.

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