Australia: control, containment or empowerment?

Cunneen, Chris, and White, Rob (2006) Australia: control, containment or empowerment? In: Muncie, John, and Goldson, Barry, (eds.) Comparative Youth Justice: critical issues. Sage Publications, London, UK, pp. 96-110.

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[Extract] An overview of juvenile justice m Australia highlights certain longer term continuities in approaches to young people, as well as a range of more recent changes which themselves often seem conflicting or contradictory. A fundamental continuity in juvenile justice has been the ongoing focus on working class, minority and Indigenous youth. However, there have also been changes in both the ideological underpinning of juvenile justice, as well as changes in policy and practice. The last decade has seen heightened public concern and moral panics about ethnic minority youth; the imposition of mandatory sentences on juvenile offenders; adoption of zero tolerance policing (especially in public spaces) and the significant extension of police powers; persistent overrepresentation of Indigenous young people within the juvenile justice system; and intensification of intervention in the lives of young offenders and nonoffenders alike. Inequality and social polarisation have grown, accompanied by the racialisation of criminal justice and the criminalisation of the poor. Australia has also witnessed a widespread acceptance of risk prediction as an underlying principle of contemporary policy and practice.

Item ID: 15478
Item Type: Book Chapter (Research - B1)
ISBN: 978-1-4129-1136-8
Date Deposited: 02 Aug 2011 05:33
FoR Codes: 22 PHILOSOPHY AND RELIGIOUS STUDIES > 2202 History and Philosophy of Specific Fields > 220204 History and Philosophy of Law and Justice @ 30%
16 STUDIES IN HUMAN SOCIETY > 1602 Criminology > 160202 Correctional Theory, Offender Treatment and Rehabilitation @ 30%
18 LAW AND LEGAL STUDIES > 1801 Law > 180119 Law and Society @ 40%
SEO Codes: 94 LAW, POLITICS AND COMMUNITY SERVICES > 9404 Justice and the Law > 940403 Criminal Justice @ 50%
94 LAW, POLITICS AND COMMUNITY SERVICES > 9404 Justice and the Law > 940405 Law Reform @ 50%
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