A hybrid approach to predict the vibration transmission in ship structures using a waveguide method and statistical energy analysis

Kessissoglou, Nicole J., and Keir, John (2004) A hybrid approach to predict the vibration transmission in ship structures using a waveguide method and statistical energy analysis. In: Proceedings of 2004 Annual Conference of the Australian Acoustical Society. pp. 587-592. From: 2004 Annual Conference of the Australian Acoustical Society, 3-5 November 2004, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia.

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Prediction of vibration transmission in ship structures is important, to design maritime vessels with greater power and reduced weight, without increasing noise levels. As the frequency increases, and hence the number of modes increases, it is more practical to consider average responses and their distribution over the structure, using a technique such as Statistical Energy Analysis (SEA). Numerical results from an exact, analytical waveguide model are compared with those of conventional SEA models. These results include both response predictions and the SEA parameters. The theoretical estimation of the SEA parameters, namely the coupling loss factors, form the basis for the hybrid approach between the waveguide method and SEA technique. Results are presented for plate structures in an L, T and X-shaped configuration, and a complex built-up structure.

Item ID: 14735
Item Type: Conference Item (Research - E1)
ISBN: 978-0-909882-22-8
ISSN: 1446-0998
Keywords: bending vibration; statistical energy analysis; Structural Dynamics; structure borne noise; waveguide method
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Date Deposited: 19 Nov 2010 03:40
FoR Codes: 09 ENGINEERING > 0913 Mechanical Engineering > 091399 Mechanical Engineering not elsewhere classified @ 100%
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