Migration as a challenge to Asian security

Coughlan, James E., and Burstall, Robert T. (2000) Migration as a challenge to Asian security. Current Politics and Economics of Asia, 7 (4). pp. 293-318.

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In the 1990s, numerically and proportionally there are more people migrating than at any other time in modern history, except from the beginning of the Second World War until the late 1940s. The current growing movement of people is no longer dominated by intra-national movements, but rather global and regional international movements. A century ago, Asian migration flows were primarily semi-permanent male-dominated movements involving unskilled workers. As the 21st century approaches, Asian migration flows are becoming increasingly complex, comprising short-term to permanent voluntary or forced movements of individuals who range from unskilled child laborers to highly skilled professional executives, with often the number of female migrants exceeding the number of males. The nature and composition of contemporary Asian migration flows are more complex than at any other time in recorded history, while the diversity and magnitude of these contemporary Asian migration movements may be beneficial or detrimental to the security concerns of Asian nation-states. The principal objective of this chapter is to examine some of the security implications of population movements within, and emanating from, the Asian region. Considering the diversity of security concerns within the Asian region, and the dissimilarity and complexity of Asian population movements, only a general overview of the most salient issues can be achieved in the limited space available. Population movements effect not only the security of nation states, but also impact upon a nation's bilateral and multilateral relations. Due to limitations of time and space, this chapter is structured as follows: from the migration literature we shall firstly develop an elementary typology of population movements. After explaining the characteristics and nature of each movement, we shall provide a few contemporary Asian examples of each, while discussing their security implications. The issues of refugee movements and Chinese Diaspora communities are addressed only in a passing reference in this chapter. Before commencing our discussion on the security implications of Asian population movements, let us first briefly consider the issue of security.

Item ID: 12828
Item Type: Article (Research - C1)
ISSN: 1056-7593
Keywords: migration; sociology
Date Deposited: 13 Sep 2017 02:14
FoR Codes: 16 STUDIES IN HUMAN SOCIETY > 1606 Political Science > 160607 International Relations @ 100%
SEO Codes: 94 LAW, POLITICS AND COMMUNITY SERVICES > 9403 International Relations > 940399 International Relations not elsewhere classified @ 100%
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