Laparoscopic parastomal hernia repair

Hiranyakas, Art, and Ho, Yik-Hong (2010) Laparoscopic parastomal hernia repair. Diseases of the Colon & Rectum, 53 (9). pp. 1334-1336.

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Parastomal hernia is a common complication after stoma formation. Its reported incidence varies from 30% to 50%. Loop ileostomy has the lowest risk (0%–6.2%), followed by end ileostomy, and loop colostomy with a similar risk of 28% to 30%. End colostomy carries the highest risk for parastomal hernia of 48%. Even though most hernias occur within the first 2 years after stoma construction, the risk of herniation extends up to 20 years. Theoretically, parastomal hernia occurs as a result of mechanical factors, an intrinsic defect in collagen metabolism, and wound repair. Parastomal hernia is asymptomatic most of the time, but it may be associated with serious complications such as strangulation and perforation; hence, elective repair is mandatory for carefully selected cases and surgical approaches. Primary closure of the aponeurosis at the hernia site, either via peristomal approach or through midline incision, is a simple procedure, but it carries a recurrence rate of 38% to 100%. Stoma relocation may result in a zero recurrence rate at the same hernia site, but the risk of a parastomal hernia after new stoma formation is still expected. In addition, an incisional hernia at the previous colostomy site closure may also occur. Similar to other sites of hernia repair, prosthetic mesh has been used to reinforce the hernia defect intraperitoneally through open incision and recently via the laparoscopic approach. Mesh repair has demonstrated the lowest risk of recurrence for parastomal hernia of 0% to 33%.

Item ID: 12096
Item Type: Article (Case Study)
ISSN: 1530-0358
Keywords: laparoscopy, large bowel, hernia, stoma
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Date Deposited: 09 May 2011 01:33
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