The Aboriginal values of rainforest

McIntyre-Tamwoy, Susan, Best, Ysola, and Fahey, Barbara (2010) The Aboriginal values of rainforest. In: Kitching, Roger, Braithwaite, Richard, and Cavanagh, Janet, (eds.) Remnants of Gondwana: a natural and social history of the Gondwana rainforests of Australia. Surrey Beatty & Sons, Baulkham Hills, Australia, pp. 235-246.

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For Aboriginal Australians, the rainforest landscapes that make up the Gondwana Rainforests WH area are much more than places of spectacular beauty. Tile striking landscape features are overlain with rich cultural values for their Aboriginal owners. In exploring the Aboriginal values of the area what emerges is a picture of complex natural and cultural landscape where the physical form of the country has shaped and influenced human interaction. This Aboriginal landscape is imbued with spiritual power which has influenced the evolution of the landforms, the plants and the animals of the area, many of which feature in Aboriginal creation stories.

Item ID: 11937
Item Type: Book Chapter (Research - B1)
ISBN: 978-0-9803113-5-8
Keywords: Aboriginal heritage, rainforest, world heritage
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Date Deposited: 26 Sep 2010 23:29
FoR Codes: 21 HISTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGY > 2101 Archaeology > 210101 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Archaeology @ 100%
SEO Codes: 95 CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING > 9503 Heritage > 950302 Conserving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage @ 100%
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