The legacy of abandonment through adoption: Naomi’s story of transformation

Moloney, Sharon (2010) The legacy of abandonment through adoption: Naomi’s story of transformation. Australian Journal of Adoption, 2 (1). - .

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During my doctoral research into Australian women’s experiences of menstruation and birth as spiritual phenomena, I interviewed an adopted woman called Naomi. As a birth mother myself, our encounter had a deep impact on me. During our conversation, Naomi described a five day liminal episode during which she had entered into the raw emotion of her traumatic separation from her birth mother. She led me through her experience by reading from her journal and sharing her poetry and artwork from those five days. Along the way, we incorporated her early menstrual experiences and the births of her five children. During my analysis process, I compiled a ‘word portrait’ of our conversation which I then returned to Naomi for her veto and comment. Her story, shared so generously here, features her experience of the abandonment of adoption, a legacy with which she still contends today.

Item ID: 11636
Item Type: Article (Research - C1)
ISSN: 1837-1361
Keywords: adoption; abandonment; birth; spirituality; transformation
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Date Deposited: 09 Aug 2010 03:08
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