Daily Full-Disk SOLIS Inverted Vector Magnetic Field Data

Streander, Kim, and Norton, Aimee (2009) Daily Full-Disk SOLIS Inverted Vector Magnetic Field Data. In: Abstracts from American Astronomical Society Solar Physics Division Meeting #40 (41) p. 820. From: American Astronomical Society Solar Physics Division Meeting #40, 14 - 18 June 2009, Boulder, Colorado, USA.

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Inverted vector magnetic field data from the SOLIS VSM (Synoptic Optical Long-term Investigations of the Sun Vector Spectromagnetograph) instrument are now available at:http://solis.nso.edu/. Both full-disk and smaller field-of-view data containing active regions are available. The inversion is based on the least-squares minimization FORTRAN code developed by the HAO group, initially used with Advanced Stokes Polarimeter data (Skumanich and Lites, 1987; Auer, Heasley and House, 1977). The main code modification is that a scattered light, or quiet-Sun profile, is simulated for every center-to-limb position on the disk. This simulated profile is used as the scattered light profile, instead of an observed profile averaged from pixels with low polarization within a small field of view. The data are inversions of Stokes I, Q, U and V profiles of the Fe I 630.1 and 630.2 nm lines using a Milne-Eddington (ME) model atmosphere. Stokes I, Q, U and V profile weights are 0.01, 1.0, 1.0 and 0.1, respectively. All the Milne-Eddington inverted data are corrected for the 180º ambiguity using the Non-Potential Field Calculation (NPFC) method developed by Manolis Georgoulis (Johns Hopkins). Note that data are only inverted if the observed polarization signal is above a certain threshold.Data are available daily (weather permitting) beginning April 1, 2009 onwards. Also available is a sample of data from March 2008 containing several active regions near the equator.

Item ID: 11240
Item Type: Conference Item (Abstract / Summary)
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