Wakes from large high-speed ferries in confined coastal waters: Management approaches with examples from New Zealand and Denmark

Parnell, KE, and Kofoed-Hansen, H (2001) Wakes from large high-speed ferries in confined coastal waters: Management approaches with examples from New Zealand and Denmark. Coastal Management, 29 (3). pp. 217-237.

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Large high-speed craft carrying passengers and vehicles produce wake waves that are different from both conventional vessels and smaller fast vessels. Wakes from these high-speed craft can cause environmental problems (such as beach change, ecological disturbance, and damage to structures and archaeological sites) and safety problems (for navigation and for users of the beach and nearshore) in confined waters. As a consequence of the higher speed, the vessel wakes also have a longer period than wakes caused by conventional ships and may lead to substantial wave action in shallow water environments. In both New Zealand and Denmark, issues relating to high-speed craft wakes were not addressed until after the vessels had begun operation, and complex coastal management issues with possibly broader application have had to be addressed. Emerging management strategies have involved regulation using speed and wave height criteria.

Item ID: 1030
Item Type: Article (Research - C1)
ISSN: 1521-0421
Keywords: Denmark, Environmental impact, Ferry wakes, High-speed craft, Navigation safety, New Zealand, Regulations, Vessel wakes
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© Taylor & Francis 2001. This journal is available online (use hypertext link above)

Date Deposited: 03 Nov 2006
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