The limits to regulating social media – a dualist construction of the technical and philosophical

Fellows, Jamie (2016) The limits to regulating social media – a dualist construction of the technical and philosophical. Res Judicata: contemporary issues in administrative and public law, 1 (2).

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In positing a narrative involving the limits to regulating social media there are two fundamental variables that must be considered. The first involves possibly one of the greatest challenges of all that the State faces to introducing additional regulation regarding the use of social media – this relates to the physical barriers to regulation such as the ability of enforcement agencies to police the millions of individual interactions occurring simultaneously around the globe.

Item ID: 42899
Item Type: Article (Commentary)
ISSN: 2206-3145
Keywords: limits to regulating social media, dualism, philosophy
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Date Deposited: 09 Aug 2016 03:04
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