Frontiers of organo-f-element chemistry

Edelmann, Frank T., and Junk, Peter (2015) Frontiers of organo-f-element chemistry. New Journal of Chemistry, 39 (10). p. 7539.

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[Extract] It is with a sense of pride that we can present to you this themed issue of New Journal of Chemistry. The issue was planned in connection with a symposium entitled "Frontiers of Organo-f-Element Chemistry" (Symposium #125) to be held at the Pacifichem 2015 conference in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA (December 15–20, 2015). The two-day symposium was jointly organized by Yaofeng Chen (P. R. China), Paula Diaconescu (USA), David Emslie (Canada), Frank T. Edelmann (Germany), and Peter Junk (Australia). This symposium is considered to be the major international gathering of organo-f-element chemists in 2015. The present NJC themed issue is scheduled to appear near the time of the conference. It can thus be considered an excellent snapshot of the state of the art in this steadily growing and important field of organometallic chemistry. Leading experts from all over the world working in the organolanthanide and organoactinide areas made valuable contributions to the issue.

Item ID: 41124
Item Type: Article (Editorial)
ISSN: 1369-9261
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This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence.

Date Deposited: 29 Oct 2015 01:22
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