Modelling scale-dependent radial two-phase flow of liquid and gas in unsaturated porous media

Su, Ninghu (2006) Modelling scale-dependent radial two-phase flow of liquid and gas in unsaturated porous media. In: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Process Industries. From: Fifth International Conference on CFD in the Process Industries, 13-15 December 2006, Melbourne, Australia.

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In this paper we investigate scale-dependent radial two-phase flow of liquid and gas in unsaturated porous media. First we present an equation of two-phase flow of liquid and gas in porous media in radial coordinates (ETPR) based on McWhorter’s equation in Cartesian coordinates. Then we present three analytical solutions for the ETPR: [1] an exact solution of ETPR in three dimensions for radial two-phase flow into a spherical domain subject to an instantaneous point source input; [2] an exact solution of ETPR in two dimensions for two-phase outflow from a well subject to an instantaneous line source input; and [3] an equation of the two-phase wetting front movement in three dimensions is presented based on a coordinate transform, yielding a moving boundary problem in two-phase flow in porous media, and an analytical solution is given which can be used to infer a fractal parameter of the porous media, . These analytical solutions can aid in the verification of numerical solutions, and explicitly illustrate the functional relationships between the variables and parameters affecting two-phase flow in unsaturated porous media.

Item ID: 3540
Item Type: Conference Item (Research - E1)
ISBN: 0-643-09423-7
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Date Deposited: 14 Jul 2009 03:25
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