Destination event tourism attendees: A qualities-values approach

Hamilton, John, Tee, Singwhat, and Prideaux, Murray (2014) Destination event tourism attendees: A qualities-values approach. In: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on International Organisation for Standardisation and Total Quality Management. 9.4. pp. 1-9. From: 18-ICIT: 18th International Conference on International Organisation for Standardisation and Total Quality Management, 21-23 April 2014, Kuching, Malaysia.

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Major event tourism draws tourists to a destination and it can deliver new knowledge to the destination’s management and marketers. This study considers the event tourists visiting a destination to participate in a major international auto racing event, and where local tourism can be embedded around the major event tourism agendas. Major event tourists attend with non-uniform and often personally-driven agendas, and their degrees of local tourism acceptance vary. We divide these event tourists into six psychologically-framed auto racing sport groupings, and look for micro-differences that can enhance future destination tourism.

Item ID: 34937
Item Type: Conference Item (Presentation)
ISBN: 962-86107-9-1-18
Keywords: tourism; event; auto racing; quality; value; satisfaction
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Date Deposited: 31 Mar 2015 00:22
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