A comprehensive approach to capturing website quality measures

Cassidy, Leonie J., and Hamilton, John R. (2013) A comprehensive approach to capturing website quality measures. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Decision Sciences Institute Conference and 18th Asia Pacific Decision Sciences Institute Conference. pp. 280-289. From: 12th International Decision Sciences Institute Conference and 18th Asia Pacific Decision Sciences Institute Conference, 9-13 July 2013, Bali, Indonesia.

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Numerous approaches to measuring the quality of websites exist. Twenty-seven empirical studies are typologically classified into six functions. This approach allows captures the broad divisions of website quality as a tabulation from which a comprehensive website quality model is developed. The study suggests breadth is not adequately captured when considering a business's website quality.

Item ID: 31041
Item Type: Conference Item (Research - E1)
Keywords: typology, dimensions of quality, online and e-qualities, website value
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