The molecular structure of [AlCl(C₅H₃MeNSiMe₃)₂], (C₅H₃MeNHSiMe₃ = 6-methyl-2-(trimethylsilylamino)pyridine)

Jones, Cameron, Junk, Peter C., Leary, Stuart G., and Smithies, Neil A. (2001) The molecular structure of [AlCl(C₅H₃MeNSiMe₃)₂], (C₅H₃MeNHSiMe₃ = 6-methyl-2-(trimethylsilylamino)pyridine). Main Group Metal Chemistry, 24 (6). pp. 383-384.

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[Extract] the five-coordinate aluminium centre is distorted trigonal bipyramidal with the two aromatic nitrogens in axial positions and the two amido nitrogens and chloride atoms in the equatorial positions. The overall structure is similar to the related [AlCI(8-amidoquinoline)₂], [1] exept that in the present compound, the chelating ligand has a much smaller bite angle, forming a four-menmbered chelate ring rather than a five-membered ring.

Item ID: 13305
Item Type: Article (Research - C1)
ISSN: 0792-1241
Keywords: aluminum compounds; X-ray crystallography
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Reproduced with permission from the journal: Main Group Metal Chemistry. The final publication is available at

Date Deposited: 19 Nov 2012 01:23
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